February 2025 Updates
This month has been massive for our club! Good job to everyone who volunteered!
Reduce Reuse Recycle #4 In total, 57 full bags of CA-CRV cans were collected and recycled! In addition, over $175 was raised for the Breaking Bearriers Club. |
People of the Parks This was the first POP event in 2025. Our volunteers helped clean up Sean Diamond Park in Dublin. Thank you to everyone who came! |
Pass It Forward Pass it Forward is still ongoing! Help make educational resources more accessible by donating old test/AP prep books, notebooks or textbooks! Find more info HERE. Where: Dublin High Academic Resource Center, Dublin High Library (Look for a basket with “Breaking Bearriers” labeled on it) *UPDATE (3/2): Due to the small amount of donations received, this project is ending, and all collected materials will be donated. |
Lunar New Year Event 2025 What an amazing start to 2025, the year of the snake! There were performances ranging from Chinese Lion Dance to western Violin Solos. In total, over 350 people attended the event! Thank you to all volunteers, performers, and others that made this event such a good experience for everyone that attended! For those who missed the event but would still like to watch it, use this link. You need a OneDrive account. |