African Library Project This project has been completed! We were able to ship out 819 books to the New Orleans Headquarters, where they will then be processed and sent to Kenya! Thank you to all that contributed! | Period Products Drive Breaking Bearriers will be collecting menstrual products such as tampons, reusable menstrual cups, and pads, through donation collection boxes at Dublin High School. They will be stationed at the DHS Library from December 2nd to the 16th. Collected products will be donated to various women’s shelters. |
Cat Food Project TNR (Trap Neuter Release for street cats) is hosting an introduction webinar on November 29th (11/29), featuring Lizhu Li. The webinar will be focused on science proven methods to handle street cats in a human approach. The purpose of this project is to raise awareness of street cats and collect various cat food (100 cans or 5 pounds of dry food). Sign up HERE | Winter Boutique Breaking Bearriers is planning on hosting a Winter Boutique Booth on December 11th (12/11) at Dublin High School during their tree lighting celebration! We will be selling various food items and more. See you there! *UPDATE FOR VOLUNTEERS* BreakingBEARriers will be fundraising at Dublin High School’s Winter Boutique on December 11th from 4:30pm to 7:30pm. If you are interested in helping staff the booth or helping us prepare, please fill out this form ASAP! |
Cycle of Hope This project has officially ended! Huge thank you to everyone who helped support the Cyclists and Art from the Heart for doing face painting (second year in a row)! We received much positive feedback from the Cycle of Hope Staff. | Reduce Reuse Recycle Reduce Reuse Recycle hosted a third collection event on November 8th and 9th at Yang Fan, where they collected 106.5 full bags of CRV bottles and aluminum cans while making over $280 for the club. Stay tuned for the next sorting event! |